Saturday 5 August 2023

August 2023 Class notes (Baladi, Maqsum, Saidi, Masmoodi, Tsamiko)







Idalab (Inverted Baladi)













Tsamiko (6 beat, Greek Rhythm)




D---D---T---T---D-tktkT-tktkT--- (2 Doum)

D---D---tktT---D-tktkT-tktkT--- (2 Doum variation)

D---D---D---T---D-D-tkD-D-tkT-tk (3 Doum)

Saturday 29 October 2022

Lucy Goosey (Nov 2022 First Draft)


Lucy Goosey (Nov 2022 First Draft)


D_DKT_DKTKDKTKT_ Repeat x3, accelerating

1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5




DT_DT_ Fast x3

DT_DT_ }Medium x1

DTKDTK Slow x1

Flamenco 12 (Bulerias)

D_ _T_ _ D_T_T_ Repeat until clapping


Wind down introducing CLAPPING off beat pattern



with stomping to keep Bulerias pattern

At cue: 1 cycle of low tone        Hands low

            1 cycle of half tone        Hands mid

            1 cycle of high tone       Hands high

Alternating between each half of the group:


 x2 cycles High, x2 cycles Low  -  back and forth a few times


 Foot stomping stops, clapping continues.

Drum wind up, re-introducing the Bulerias rhythm.

D_ _ T_ _ D_ T_T_

Hiiwa   ...   (to be continued)




Friday 12 August 2022

Limping, Stepping, Skipping Dance


A limping, stepping skipping dance: drum notes

Cocek 4 / 4 4 / 4

Kashlima 4 / 4 4 / 4

Nau Ashta 4 / 4 4 / 4 * Variation A on 1st cycle of each group.

Kashlima 4 / 4 4 / 4

Nau Ashta 4 / 4 4 / 4 * Variation A on 1st cycle of each group.



Cocek: D-kT-kTk

Kashlima: D-T-D-TT-

Kashlima filled: DtkTtkDtkTT_

Kashlima Variant A: D-D-D-TT-

Nau Ashta: D---D---T--T--T---

Nau Ashta filled: D-tkD-tkT-kT-kTk

Nau Ashta Variation A: D--- - ---T--T--T---

Nau Ashta variation for end of each 4th Cycle: D-D-D-tkT-kT-kT---

Friday 5 August 2022

The Wind Up Drummer

Wind Up Drummer (March 2020 version 2)

Wind Up (T T T T – KTK - )

Wind Up over Baladi A x 12

(Ddktkt-D-tkt--    Baladi A)

[Stop: 2 beats]

Baladi B x4 

(DD-TD-T-   Baladi B)

Lead Pattern x2 over Baladi B x8



Malfuf x16 





Baladi B x4

Zaffa group x2 







Friday 26 November 2021

Communique #17 - The Invisible Drummer


Dear Drummers,

I have been absent this term, and silent about my absence, a fact that needs no apology, but perhaps a little story will enlighten you as to my reasons and future plans.

First - the ukulele.  Blame the ukulele.  I now own 6 ukulele's and they all need to be played.  Having such a demanding love affair with such a pretty collection of instruments has meant that my time for drum practice has been lessened of late.  I have also been recording 4 albums simultaneously, 3 of which are almost ready for release.  Plus there has been the Goblin Therapist book, with editing in progress, and as usual, my Cicero blog which continues now into its 4th year.

Second: my health.  As you know, my health took a turn a few months back, and I lost a fair bit of weight.  I am happy to say that I am now back to my regular weight, and am feeling better than I have in a long time.  

The future:  So while I have not been able to muster the motivation to teach any classes this term, I will be back to teach in term 1, next year.  I plan on us continuing the new song, Loosey Goosey, which you can listen to below.

I have also recorded a little drum improv for you, just to let you know that I have not been completely lax in my drum practice.

So, I will see you all next year, when we can drum together again.  Thank you for your patience.


Drum Improv

Loosey Goosey (Demo)

Friday 23 July 2021

Communique #16: Internal Travel



Hey Gang,

Back in lockdown, the journey for us becomes an internal one.  Certain rhythms can take us away from the world of noise and into ourselves.  This is true of most art-forms, but for us today, this is about drumming.  The following is an Andalusian rhythm which I will use in the new song.


Due to the uneven gait of this rhythm, as usual I recommend learning it by ear, speaking the rhythm as you listen to the video, clapping along with it, and then turning to look at the notation.  The video starts with me just improvising on the rhythm adding a few little flairs, but the second half I slow it down and speak it through, clapping as I go.

PS. Yes, that is my Christmas tree, complete with lights, on my left.

Saturday 30 May 2020

Communique: #15: Technique and Spirit

Technique and Spirit

So there's Technique;

the mechanics and maths of rhythm functions,

the movement and force of finger tips,

all the minutia of posture and breathing,

and disciplined playing of routine rhythms,

training the mind and body to know without thinking

the structures and accents of a foreign language.

There is also Spirit.

The first drummer had it,

no-one taught them how to play

or what to play.

For each drummer a drum

for each drummer a rhythm

ten rhythms

a thousand rhythms

rhythms without end


the one rhythm,

the rhythm that doesn't repeat.

Stand in your bedroom and sing it

sit in your car and roll with it

dance all day in stillness

drum all night in silence

It is in you

So practice if you like, or if you must,

and play when you can, or when you can't,

be inappropriate, dance though there is no music,

it's a fair kind of madness to be free

and to drum upon the belly of the world

or your own belly

or your thighs

drum with your sighs

make breathing a rhythm that has a secret song,

a song that has a secret lyric,

let my life be that unspoken promise between us

to live forever,

to play without trying,

without asking,

without language or thoughts or regrets or goals,

play timelessly,

in the kitchen,

or the car park,

or your own mind – in a field in a dream, in a dream

forget learning, forget knowledge, forget the awkward adult staring at you

from inside your mind

forget the lessons

and play








because it doesn't.

It doesn't concern me if you play or don't.

It doesn't concern the world, or your parents

or anyone

it is hardly a concern, whoever you are,

you can play, or not, if you like

as you like

no aspirations

no bigger meaning

You are a girl

or a boy

or whatever you like,

with a drum.

There is Spirit you see,

in you,

in me.